“All Creatures Great and Small”

I pulled this together for a friend’s birthday, assembling the images from the previously posted card set into an 8×10 printable. She decided to take advantage of a special at Sam’s Club this month and print it on a mini-canvas for about $8. I included a thin … Continued

A Nod to James Herriot

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last] [one_half][/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last] Though these lines originated in a hymn by Cecil F. Alexander, they will forever remind me of James Herriot (James Alfred “Alf” Wight) and his books of the same name(s). It seems appropriate to pair them with some of Matt’s watercolor critters. … Continued

“Hope is the thing with feathers…”

This Tufted Titmouse painting of Matt’s has always been one of my favorites. As for the poem… though we don’t have any now, I’ve spent more than 20 years living with several different peach-faced lovebirds and a couple of cockatiels. It’s amazing how much personality can … Continued